Friday, July 31, 2009

Programming with c?


Vectors are very important in mathematical computing and in computer graphics .Vector graphics is economical in its use of memory, as an entire line segment is specified simply by the coordinates of its endpoints. A vector can be represented by an arrow whose length represents the magnitude and the direction represents the vector direction.

The above vector a can be represented as

a = [a1, a2]

The arithmetic operations can be performed in the following way:

o Addition

If a and b are two vectors

a = [a1, a2]

b = [b1, b2]

then the sum of a and b is

a + b = [a1+b1 , a2+b2]

o Subtraction

If a and b are two vectors

a = [a1, a2]

b = [b1, b2]

then the difference of a and b is

a - b = [a1-b1 , a2-b2]

o Multiplication

If a and b are two vectors

a = [a1, a2]

b = [b1, b2]

then dot product of a and b is

a . b = (a1 * b1 ) + ( a2 * b2)

o Length of vector

If a is a vector

a = [a1, a2]

then the length of vector a is

length =


Write a C++ program that performs the above mentioned operations on vectors with the help of above mentioned formulae. The program should have four user defined functions for the above operations.

1) Addition

2) Subtraction

3) Multiplication

4) Length

The following menu of commands should be displayed at the start of program execution.

Press 'a' to add two vectors

Press 's' to subtract two vectors

Press 'm' to multiply two vectors

Press 'l to calculate the length of vector

Press 'q' to quit

Please enter your choice: a

After the user selects a choice, prompt the user to enter the vector components on which the selected mathematical operation is to be performed, and then display the result. For example,

if the user enters ‘a’ then your output should be:

Enter first component of vector : 2

Enter second component of vector : 7

The vector is : [ 2 , 7 ]

Enter first component of vector : 6

Enter second component of vector : 3

The vector is : [ 6 , 3 ]

The sum is [ 8 , 10 ]

if the user enters ‘s’ then your output should be :

Enter first component of vector : 2

Enter second component of vector : 7

The vector is : [ 2 , 7 ]

Enter first component of vector : 6

Enter second component of vector : 3

The vector is : [ 6 , 3 ]

The difference is [ -4 , 4]

if the user enters ‘m’ then your output should be :

Enter first component of vector : 2

Enter second component of vector : 7

The vector is : [ 2 , 7 ]

Enter first component of vector : 6

Enter second component of vector : 3

The vector is : [ 6 , 3 ]

The multiplication is 33

After the menu if the user selects ‘l’ then your output should be

Enter first component of vector : 1

Enter second component of vector : 2

The vector is : [ 1 , 2 ]

The length is 2.23607

After the menu if the user selects ‘q’ then your output should be

Press any key to continue …..

Conditions that must be checked and fulfilled:

1) If a user enters choice other then choices given in menu, then a message should be displayed “You have entered wrong choice:” and main menu should be displayed again.

2) If a used enters a ,s or m then you have to take components of two vectors then do calculation on them

3) If a user enters l then you have to take components of one vector only then do calculation on it.

Programming with c?
Do your homework yourself. Who do you think has that much time to read through your zillion words long questions and then give you a ready made answer. %26gt;.%26lt; Have some decency!

Write down your code, and then if you are stuck somewhere, ask us and we'll help you.
Reply:Seriously do your own homework. Im tired of "questions" like these. Are we allowed to report them? Btw, if you can't handle an assignment like this without asking someone else to do it for you, drop the class. THIS IS SIMPLE! A few cin's, a few cout's, can count the number of variables required with my fingers and a couple if's or switch statements. Read the material your instructor provided you with and then come back with specific questions. Those we will answer.
Reply:This questions seems professional, i would recommenced, if you cannot do it yourself, you can take professional help and ofcourse this never comes free, i know professional who do this type of homework, try contact they have nominal charges around $50 per answer.

try this, hope they will help

Reply:Do not you think that is lot of homework ?

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